Prospect Avenue, Capitola
Project: Replace failing retaining wall with aesthetically pleasing structure
Client: Homeowner
Location: Capitola, CA
Design Engineer:
Soil Engineering Construction, Inc.
Geotechnical Engineer:
Haro, Kasunich & Associates
Soil Engineering Construction, Inc.
Project Description:
The long-term stability of this coastal property was critical to the owner’s interest in developing it. Soil Engineering Construction, Inc., working in concert with the owner’s geotechnical consultant (Haro, Kasunich & Associates) and the project structural engineer (Peter Boyce & Associates), designed a series of stepped retaining walls to replace older unstable walls. The design incorporated SEC’s expertise in the construction of shotcrete faced, tieback restrained slope stabilization structures that match the contours and appearance of the adjacent bluff face. The project was reviewed and approved by the California Coastal Commission. A building permit for its construction was provided and finaled by the City of Capitola.
Aesthetically Pleasing Natural Appearance
Deeply Founded Double Corrosion Protected Tie-Backs
Hand Sculptured Mottled & Variegated Surface
Constructed approximately 3000 square feet of textured, mottled and contoured structural mat to support an over steepened bluff face.Rock Percussion Drilling