Foundation Underpinning Utilizing Pipe Piles – Innovation Meets Application
Soil Engineering Construction, Inc. has engineered and developed cost-effective foundation underpinning techniques for residential, commercial, and industrial applications. Mitigated measures for the distressed foundations typically involve stabilization through the use of pipe pile underpinning, after which structures can be leveled through jacking. The pipe piles usually consist of 2-inch Schedule 80 steel pipes driven to refusal into the underlying formational materials. The exact specifications of the piles themselves depend upon site-specific conditions as well as field tests and analysis.
Based on the recommendations presented in job specific geotechnical investigations, pipe piles are typically installed with variable spacing (i.e. 6 to 8 feet center to center) and driven to refusal depths based on sampling analysis. Once the piles are installed and the first half of the pile cap is poured, it is often recommended that the structure be releveled to the extent possible on the driven piles. In areas where differential floor tilt is nominal, stabilizing in place is all that is recommended. Soil Engineering Construction, Inc. has been using this system for the past 50 years with extremely positive results, providing a long-lasting repair solution at low cost.

Residential, Commercial & Industrial, New Construction
Differential Settlement Correction
Structures sensitive to vertical movement
Foundational support for re-leveling structure
Seismic retrofit or increased seismic stability
Cost savings compared to alternative approaches
Precise estimates
Minimal impact to project site
Complete installation & load testing
Shortened construction period
Benefit of 50 years of installing
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