COVID-19 Protective Measures
Soil Engineering Construction, Inc. (SEC) is committed to keeping our staff and clients safe during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all of us. It has touched the lives of friends, family, and colleagues, and has had a large impact on business operations in many industries. Soil Engineering Construction, Inc. is dedicated to protecting the health and safety of our staff and clients at all times. The COVID-19 Pandemic has introduced new challenges in this regard, but by following health orders and protocols put forth by the CDC, various regulatory agencies, and state and local governmental bodies, we can keep our staff and clients as safe as possible. To this effect, SEC has instituted the following measures on job sites and in our offices:
Use of face masks/coverings at all times.
Social distancing of 6+ feet, when possible given construction constraints.
Frequent hand sanitization for field workers and office staff.
Frequent COVID-19 testing for field workers and office staff.
Contact tracing for all SEC staff.