Slope Failure Reconstruction, Belmont
Project: Construct cut slope stabilization system
Client: Homeowner
Location: Belmont, CA
Geotechnical Engineer:
US Soils
Design Engineer:
Soil Engineering Construction, Inc.
Soil Engineering Construction, Inc.
Project Description:
The stabilization of the over steepened, unsupported hillside behind this San Mateo County home became critical when the upslope homeowners recognized the potential risk to their properties. The solution, developed, designed, permitted and implemented by Soil Engineering Construction, Inc. involved the construction of a massive gravity wall. The design had to meet demanding financial constraints, access limitations, tieback restrictions and City imposed wall height limitations. The solution involved construction of a soldier beam wall topped by a steeply sloping gravity wall constructed with an extremely stiff but pumpable cement treated fill. The result, an extremely stable gravity wall with a mottled and contoured face constructed to conform with and essentially match the adjacent hillside.
Placed approximately 300 cubic yards of pumpable CTF (concrete treated fill)
Turnkey Design/Permit /Construct
Stabilize 25' high Cut Slope without use of TieBacks
Extremely Limited Site Access (Unavailable for Heavy Equipment)
Provide Aesthetically Pleasing Natural Wall Surface