Slope Failure Reconstruction, Bonita
Project: Slope Failure Reconstruction
Client: Homeowner
Location: Oceanside, CA
Geotechnical Engineer:
Southern California Soils & Testing, Inc.
Design Engineer:
Soil Engineering Construction, Inc.
Soil Engineering Construction, Inc.
Project Description:
Responding to a request for professional services from the County of San Diego, SEC was contacted to provide a design/build repair solution for an approximately 100 foot high, 1 ½:1 slope that failed due to heavy rains. SEC designed, engineered, permitted and repaired the approximately 24,000 sq. ft. slope utilizing geogrid reinforcement with compacted backfill. Slide debris was removed and the slope was re-grading by benching and placing fill material to closely match pre-failure contours. Subdrains were installed at the bottom of the benches, as well as, in an approximately 12 foot wide keyway installed at the toe of the slope. In addition, new concrete v-ditches were installed to facilitate surface drainage. The finished slope surface was hydroseeded with native plant species. All work was inspected and approved by the County.
Slope Failure Repair
Geogrid Reinforced Compacted Fill
Surface Drainage and Installation of Sub-Drains
Hydroseed Planting