New Mercedes Benz Dealership - Oakland, CA
Project: Shoring
Client: Mercedes Benz Dealership
Location: Oakland, CA
Design Engineer:
CSW/Stueber-Stroeh Engineering Group Inc.
Shoring Contractor:
Soil Engineering Construction, Inc.
Project Description:
Soldier pile and wood lagging shoring up to 13 feet high was installed along 3 sides of the gently sloping property. Permission was granted by the City of Oakland to install the shoring on two sides of the lot in the City right-of-way with the stipulation that Soil Engineering Construction will remove the shoring, to a depth of 4 feet, after the building walls are complete.
Project Stats:
Drilling 14" to 24" diameter pile holes to 20 feet deep.
Install varying sizes of steel shoring piles to 48# per linear foot.
Install pressure-treated wood lagging to bottom of the excavation.
Remove shoring as required after construction of permanent walls.
Coordinate with excavation contractor, general contractor, structural engineer, soils engineer, and inspectors on a busy, urban site.